Gebro respiratorio

Social media

Development of organic content, both static and animated, for the respiratory therapeutic area of Gebro, a pharmaceutical laboratory. The goal was to connect with its B2B target audience—pulmonologists and allergists—to present its asthma products and help improve the health and quality of life of their patients. The aim is for patients to enjoy many years of maximum well-being, and for healthcare professionals, families, and friends to do the same. This is the result.

*Project carried out at Multiplica.

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Nos gusta ayudar a que los proyectos

y las ideas se desarrollen

We enjoy helping bring projects and ideas to life

Madrid, 2025. 1unoEstudio®

Gebro Respiratorio

Social media

Development of organic content, both static and animated, for the respiratory therapeutic area of Gebro, a pharmaceutical laboratory. The goal was to connect with its B2B target audience—pulmonologists and allergists—to present its asthma products and help improve the health and quality of life of their patients. The aim is for patients to enjoy many years of maximum well-being, and for healthcare professionals, families, and friends to do the same. This is the result.

*Project carried out at Multiplica.

We enjoy helping bring projects

and ideas to life

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Nos gusta ayudar a que los proyectos

y las ideas se desarrollen

Madrid, 2025. 1unoEstudio®

Gebro Respiratorio

Social media

Development of organic content, both static and animated, for the respiratory therapeutic area of Gebro, a pharmaceutical laboratory. The goal was to connect with its B2B target audience—pulmonologists and allergists—to present its asthma products and help improve the health and quality of life of their patients. The aim is for patients to enjoy many years of maximum well-being, and for healthcare professionals, families, and friends to do the same. This is the result.

*Project carried out at Multiplica.

We enjoy helping bring projects and ideas to life

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Nos gusta ayudar a que los proyectos

y las ideas se desarrollen

Madrid, 2025. 1unoEstudio®

Gebro Respiratorio

Social media

Development of organic content, both static and animated, for the respiratory therapeutic area of Gebro, a pharmaceutical laboratory. The goal was to connect with its B2B target audience—pulmonologists and allergists—to present its asthma products and help improve the health and quality of life of their patients. The aim is for patients to enjoy many years of maximum well-being, and for healthcare professionals, families, and friends to do the same. This is the result.

*Project carried out at Multiplica.

We enjoy helping bring projects and ideas to life

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Nos gusta ayudar a que los proyectos y las ideas se desarrollen

Madrid, 2025. 1unoEstudio®