Wooden cars

3D modelling

Every object, even the simplest in appearance, holds vast potential to bring 3D pieces to life. On this occasion, we explored the magic of three simple wooden cars coexisting in a three-dimensional city. Two modes of transportation, a taxi and a bus, along with a police patrol, come to life in this illustration, blending the simplicity of the objects with creativity to create a charming scene.

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Nos gusta ayudar a que los proyectos

y las ideas se desarrollen

We enjoy helping bring projects and ideas to life

Madrid, 2025. 1unoEstudio®

Wooden cars

3D​​ illustration

Every object, even the simplest in appearance, holds vast potential to bring 3D pieces to life. On this occasion, we explored the magic of three simple wooden cars coexisting in a three-dimensional city. Two modes of transportation, a taxi and a bus, along with a police patrol, come to life in this illustration, blending the simplicity of the objects with creativity to create a charming scene.

We enjoy helping bring projects

and ideas to life

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Nos gusta ayudar a que los proyectos

y las ideas se desarrollen

Madrid, 2025. 1unoEstudio®

Wooden cars

3D illsutration

Every object, even the simplest in appearance, holds vast potential to bring 3D pieces to life. On this occasion, we explored the magic of three simple wooden cars coexisting in a three-dimensional city. Two modes of transportation, a taxi and a bus, along with a police patrol, come to life in this illustration, blending the simplicity of the objects with creativity to create a charming scene.

We enjoy helping bring projects and ideas to life

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Nos gusta ayudar a que los proyectos

y las ideas se desarrollen

Madrid, 2025. 1unoEstudio®

Wooden cars

3D​​ illustration

Every object, even the simplest in appearance, holds vast potential to bring 3D pieces to life. On this occasion, we explored the magic of three simple wooden cars coexisting in a three-dimensional city. Two modes of transportation, a taxi and a bus, along with a police patrol, come to life in this illustration, blending the simplicity of the objects with creativity to create a charming scene.

We enjoy helping bring projects and ideas to life

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Nos gusta ayudar a que los proyectos y las ideas se desarrollen

Madrid, 2025. 1unoEstudio®